Dosen MIK berpartisipasi di Indonesian Research Summit

Dosen MIK berpartisipasi di Indonesian Research Summit

Visit Industry to Meta Indonesia

Visit Industry to Meta Indonesia

Pelatihan Communication with Data di Kementerian Luar Negeri

Pelatihan Communication with Data di Kementerian Luar Negeri

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Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.

Tenaga Struktural

Dr. La Mani, S.IP., M.Sc.

Dr. La Mani, S.IP., M.Sc.

Dr. Muhamad Aras, S.Pd.,M.Si

Dr. Muhamad Aras, S.Pd.,M.Si

Dr. Virienia Puspita, M.Si

Dr. Virienia Puspita, M.Si

Dr. Z. Hidayat, M.Si.

Dr. Z. Hidayat, M.Si.

Mgr. Irmawan Rahyadi. S.Sos., PhD.

Mgr. Irmawan Rahyadi. S.Sos., PhD.


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Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance 2022/2023

Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance 2022/2023

Accreditation A

Accreditation A

Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance 2017/2018

Rector’s Award for the Best Teaching Performance 2017/2018


International Conference on Ubiquitous Information and Communication 2023

International Conference on Ubiquitous Information and Communication 2023

Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation)

Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation)

Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam Jurnal dalam 5 TahunTerakhir (Lokal, Nasional, & Internasional-Scopus)

Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam Jurnal dalam 5 TahunTerakhir (Lokal, Nasional, & Internasional-Scopus)


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