FADIL JAIDI’S PERSONAL BRANDING ON INSTAGRAM SOCIAL MEDIA. International Conference Presentation from MIK Student.

Mahasiswa dan Mahasiswi dari Fast Track Master of Strategic Marketing Communication BINUS University mempresentasikan paper penelitian secara daring berupa video pada konferensi BIS (Borobudur International Symposium) 2021 yang diadakan pada 15 Desember 2021 di Magelang, dengan Judul:
Fadil Jaidi’s Personal Branding on Instagram Social Media
Oleh : Elviara Dwi Raissa, Muhammad Mirza Adira, Noella Ludylane Tersiana, Rara Andica Oryza Sativa
The development of digital technology has made major changes in many fields, including marketing. Digital media and the internet offer new ways of storing, informing, engaging, selling, learning and providing services to customers with new versions. Likewise, one of the concepts in marketing communication is personal branding. Personal branding is a planned process of people in an effort to market themselves by demonstrating their competitive advantage. This process includes the phases of building a brand identity, developing by communicating the brand and evaluating the brand image to meet personal and professional goals. Then to make personal branding effective and efficient, it is necessary to involve digital marketing on social media platforms. This article discusses how to build the right personal branding on social media with a case study analysis of someone who is successful in building his personal brand, namely Fadil Jaidi. This study emphasized that researchers wanted to see how Fadil Jaidi’s personal branding on social media was formed. The research method used is a qualitative method with a combination of literature meta- analysis and observation. The results show that it is important to plan personal branding and social media can be used to build effective personal branding that is able to streamline business and make it easier to reach large audiences.