SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE CONSTITUENT INTERACTION AND MOBILITY (Case Study in the 2017 Jakarta-Indonesia Governor General Election Campaign)

Mahasiswi Magister Ilmu Komunikasi BINUS University sebagai pemakalah pada Konferensi Internasional “THE 2nd SOUTHEAST ASIA ACADEMIC FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SEA-AFSID) 2018 di Yogyakarta”, dengan Judul:
(Case Study in the 2017 Jakarta-Indonesia Governor General Election Campaign)
By: Yunila Laras Ismawani
The use of social media in general election campaign in the third world countries, especially in Indonesia, becomes more common but the relationship between social media existence in political campaign and the final vote result still need to be scrutinized. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse with a systematic and empirical approach of the social media usage (Including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) by DKI Jakarta governor candidates for the 2017-2022 period. Based on the observations, we found that each DKI Jakarta governor candidate has had a popular social media accounts in Indonesia, namely Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Such media were used to in conducting political campaigns and interacting with their constituents. Based on in-depth analysis of the empirical data showed that the presence of social media in the political campaigns in Indonesia had a strong relationship with the results of DKI Jakarta governor election. Relationship between the results of the general election and the popularity, participation, and activeness of candidates in using social media were shown not only in the interaction quantity but also in the quality of the political campaign contents. Furthermore, social media popularity of the political parties which supported the candidates allegedly had a relationship with 2017 DKI Jakarta governor election results.