E-COMMERCE COMMUNICATION: A Descriptive Study on Integrated Marketing Communication in Tokopedia, Indonesia

Mahasiswi Magister Ilmu Komunikasi BINUS University sebagai pemakalah pada Konferensi Internasional “THE 2nd SOUTHEAST ASIA ACADEMIC FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SEA-AFSID) 2018 di Yogyakarta”, dengan Judul:
A Descriptive Study on Integrated Marketing Communication in Tokopedia, Indonesia
By: Riska Fiati
E-commerce business in Indonesia is growing rapidly along with the development of digital technology software innovation. This encourages e-commerce business to develop their business strategy. IMC, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plays an important role in building e-commerce brands. The purpose of this research is to describe the (IMC) and its application in an e-commerce company. This research is a descriptive study on a leading local e-commerce company in Indonesia, namely Tokopedia. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive which can be employed to accurately describe and give a systematic picture of facts, properties and phenomena investigated in Tokopedia. This research reveals that Tokopedia employs an effective IMC. The IMC is not just a tool for promotion and developing brand, but also an instrument to generate new services or products for customers. This research has theoretical and practical implications for IMC concept. The concept of IMC which focuses on the customer and organization should use the customer data so that e-commerce products and services can be accepted by the market. This concept can be a good reference for similar businesses.